UN Secretary-General: First International day to Combat “Islamophobia” a Call to Eradicate Hatred against Muslims

New York, March 15 (QNA) – UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres affirmed that the first International Day to Combat “Islamophobia,” which was decided to fall on Mar. 15 of each year, is a call for action to stamp out the poison of anti-Muslim hatred.

Guterres said on Twitter on Wednesday Morning that “Discrimination diminishes us all. We must stand up against it. Today & every day, we must counter the forces of division by reaffirming our common humanity.”

On Mar. 15, 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a unanimous resolution submitted by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) deeming this day as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.

The Mar. 15, 2023, represents the first international day to combat the phenomenon of Islamophobia, after it was approved by the UN a year ago, to be a day aimed at raising awareness of this phenomenon, which has grown significantly during the past years, especially in Western societies, and several factors contributed to its increase and fueling.

According to the UN website, a recent report by the UN Special Rapporteur (SR) on freedom of religion or belief indicated that suspicion, discrimination, and outright hatred towards Muslims had reached “epidemic proportions.” The UN report indicates that in countries where they represent a minority, Muslims often face discrimination in accessing goods and services, finding work, and education, adding that in some countries, they are denied citizenship or legal immigration status due to hostile perceptions of foreigners that Muslims represent a threat to national security. (QNA)