QNA Holds Media Distinction Workshop

Doha, January 24 (QNA) – Qatar News Agency (QNA) organized a workshop on journalistic distinction, one of QNA’s series of workshops aimed at training national media professionals and raising their specialized media and journalistic capabilities.

Held in partnership with the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, the single-day workshop discussed several topics including the definitions of distinction and means to measuring it, as well as recognizing journalistic distinction through real-life experience, in addition to the importance of self-knowledge and awareness of one’s skills with regards to sustainable development and journalistic work.

The workshop also looked into a case study on distinction in journalistic work in Turkiye.

QNA holds such training courses and workshops in the QNA Training Hall, established in line with its vision of developing media cadres and offering them specialized training, with the objective of graduating qualified young Qatari media professionals who are capable of keeping pace with the latest developments in the sector. (QNA)