TRC releases telecom sector indicators for 4Q 2023

Amman, Mar.28 (Petra) – Fixed voice communication services subscriptions totaled about 493,000 until the last quarter of 2023, with the home and trade sectors accounting for 67% and 33%, respectively.

Published on its website, the statistical report of Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) addresses Jordan’s telecom sector indicators for the last quarter of the year 2023 for fixed and mobile phone services, broadband Internet packages and leased line provision.

Volume of fixed telephone traffic was about 11 million call minutes recorded during the last quarter last year, with local traffic at 88% and 12% for international destinations.

On the other hand, the report indicated that the technology-based fixed Internet broadband subscriptions amounted to 805k until the end of the last quarter of the year 2023.
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28/03/2024 15:26:19